Comments on: Government neglect of deteriorating schools puts children at risk of asbestos exposure
Saskatoon CentreMon, 26 Nov 2018 20:51:22 +0000hourly1 C.
Fri, 03 Mar 2017 15:03:07 +0000 just our schools but also daycare centres and nursery schools. I worked at a nursery school where new staff were not even told about asbestos in the building. We had a bathroom ceiling collapse with asbestos clad piping above. Cracks in asbestos ceiling. Requested management plan and map of where it is in the building. Never shown information after many requests. Suspended five days with out pay and asked to write apology for breaching policy by speaking out and hurting reputation of program and landlord. I did not write anything yet as this whole situation has made me ill.